Alter vs Altar

If you’re new to the alter vs altar debate, you might be wondering if there truly is a difference between altar and alter. To help clear up any confusion, I’ve put together a list of factoids that prove each to be correct in their respective ways.

What is the difference between “‘alter” and ”altar”

Alter is a verb that means to change or modify. Altar is a noun meaning an elevated place or structure for religious rites.

  • Have you altered your hair colour.
  • The priest will stand at the altar to marry the couple

More about “alter” and “Altar”

alter vs altar

Comparison chart: alter vs altar

Figure of comparisonAlterAltar
part of speechalter is used as a verbaltar is used as a noun
usagemeans to change or modifya raised place or structure for religious rites.
synonymchange, adapt, adjustshrine, chantry
ExamplesAlcohol can alter a person’s behaviorThey walked together toward the altar in a show of unity


An altar is a table or platform for the presentation of religious offerings, for sacrifices or for other ritualistic purposes. Altars are found at shrinestempleschurches, and other places of worship.

Example sentences with “altar”

  • They keep the daily prayer book on the church’s altar.
  • As a Christian, I received my communion at the church’s altar.
  • I like to sit by the altar. I find it very peaceful
  • Lay the boy upon the altar, and we will sacrifice him to the gods.
  • The groom waited at the altar for the bride to come for their wedding ceremony.
  • The family approached the altar where the priest stood.


’To alter’’ is a verb meaning to change something.

Example sentences with “altar”

  • Have you altered your hair colour.
  • He wanted to alter the length of the shirt.
  • The tailor altered the dress to fit the groom better.
  • Are they able to alter the color of their eyes?

Trick to remember “alter vs. altar”

 A quick and easy way to remember the differences between the words ‘altar’ and ‘alter’ is to note the different letters in each word. ‘Altar’ with an ‘a’ means a platform resembling a table, and with the help of the ‘ta’s in both words, one can easily recall that ‘altar’ means ‘table’.

Altar = table

‘Alter’ with an ‘e’ means to change, and the ‘e’ at the end of the word can help one to remember it is a verb.

Alter = change

Important Idioms on “altar”

lead to the altar – to marry someone

  • She was very young when she was led to the altar.

be sacrificed on the altar of something – to be destroyed by an activity, system, or belief that is bad but more important or more powerful

left at the altar – Having been left by one’s prospective spouse at or just before the wedding ceremony.

  • Her fiancé left her at the altar.

Phrases with “alter”

Alter ego – An alter ego means an alternate self, which is believed to be distinct from a person’s normal or true original personality.

  • He’s my alter ego we go everywhere together.

altar boy – a boy who helps the priest in church services, especially in the Roman Catholic Church

Frequently asked questions

What is the meaning of alter with an example?

”To alter’’ is a verb meaning to change something.
He wanted to alter the length of the shirt.

What is the meaning of altar?

An altar is a table or platform for the presentation of religious offerings, for sacrifices or for other ritualistic purposes. Altars are found at shrinestempleschurches, and other places of worship.

What is the meaning of alter ego?

– An alter ego means an alternate self, which is believed to be distinct from a person’s normal or true original personality.

Alter vs Altar Quiz


alter vs altar quiz

1 / 6

anyone can ____ his life by altering his thoughts.

2 / 6

Sam was left by his spouse at the _____

3 / 6

  • He approached the _____ and placed the candle on it.

4 / 6

He ________ (ed) his will to leave everything to his sister.

5 / 6

I think he needs to ______ his lifestyle.

6 / 6

You cannot stand at the  _____ like that

Your score is

The average score is 50%


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